TTPP 14: How to Step Up Into Your New Tax Role/Promotion (Excel & Continue Progressing!)

Imagine this.

You’ve recently been promoted or obtained a new job. You’re excited and proud and want to make a positive impact in your new role.

How would you go about doing this? About stepping up into and excelling in your new role?

James Hoverd, a listener of the podcast, who has recently been promoted to Indirect Tax Associate at RSM Tennon asked how to go about stepping up into his new role.

So, in this episode, as James has requested, I share my tips to help you do exactly that, based on my own experiences and knowledge.

For those of you who are keen on progressing and developing your career, towards the end of the episode, I give a few tips on how you can go about setting yourself up for your next promotion, once you have stepped up into your current role. So stick around to make sure you hear those!

James asked a few other great questions, relating to delegation and role models, which I cover at the end of this episode.

If you have any particular topics you’d like covering, please feel free to get in touch like James did with your request, via LinkedIn or the contact form on the contact page . It’s always great to hear your suggestions, and it helps me to provide content which is as helpful to you as possible.

You’ll Learn:

  • Three key steps to step up into and excel in your new tax promotion or tax role. In brief: (understand what is expected of you, identify areas you need to work on and improve on them, and seek feedback to ensure your perception matches others’)

  • How you can prepare and set yourself up for your next promotion

  • Answers to the questions: “When it comes to delegation, should you assign a full piece of work to a single individual or spread it over multiple?” and “Should you have role models to help you progress and develop, and if so, how?”

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