TTPP82: Why Students Fail CTA Exams (Key Mistakes) with Nitin Rabheru

NitIn Rabheru and I dissect the common reasons why students fail the CTA exams and offer advice to help you avoid them.

This is the latest episode to help people pass the CTA (Chartered Tax Adviser) exams!

We talk about the things students do at each stage of preparing for the exams that leads them down the path to failing – regardless of whether it is an Awareness, Advanced Technical (AT) or Application and Professional Skills (APS) paper.

The chances are, you’re doing at least one of them!

So take a listen to make sure you aren’t doing any of these things and that you are smart with how you use your precious time when studying.

Click the above play button or head on over to your podcast player of choice and search for The Tax Professionals Podcast to listen.

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Guest – Nitin Rabheru




You’ll Learn

  • Nitin’s story for becoming the blunt, to-the-point tax tutor he is and also why we are focusing on the reason people fail CTA exams in this episode

  • (6:45) Mistakes students make in the ‘preparation’ stage

  • (14:00) Mistakes people make during the classroom sessions (whether in person or remote), including how early you should start studying

  • (23:00) Mistakes people make post classroom and after studying the material, including my unpopular but important opinion

  • (29:00) Mistakes students make in the revision phase

  • (38:30) A bit about mentality and attitude

  • (41:00) Mistakes when it comes to past question practice and whether or not to use legislation


Tax flashcards/squares – email Jack ( or Nitin ( for samples.

FREE – CTA Study Phase Checklist so you can make sure you ‘complete’ the study phase before revision, going into revision as prepared as you can

FREE – ATT/CTA revision folder guide, which was made when the exams became open book. This is somewhat outdated now, but there is still useful information in there

FREE – 8 CTA/ATT revision tips summary, which does exactly what it says on the tin

Other exam-support related podcast episodes:

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