TTPP 1: How to Undertake Effective Tax Research

Undertaking tax research is a task that many tax professionals dislike.

Afterall, the thought of reading complex legislation and unclear guidance over a cuppa isn’t most people’s idea of fun, although I definitely come close to the line.

Fun or not, it is an essential part of being a tax professional.

At some point, you will need to find the answer to questions you don’t know the answer, and that is done by – well – tax research. So being able to do it competently and effectively is key!

I’ve dedicated a lot of time to developing my technical ability and research skills, to the extent they’re one of my strongest skills right now.

So, in this episode, I share with you my personal tips from my own experiences to help you become better at undertaking research, more easily obtain the answers to those complicated tax queries, and – I dare say – enjoy it. Or at least not dislike it!

Take a listen – I think you’ll find it useful.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to undertake better tax research

  • Why you should use credible resources

  • Which credible resources you can, and should, use

  • How you can use Google better when undertaking tax research


Click on the text to go to the resource.

Google search operators article

HMRC manuals

Tolley’s tax books

Ross Martin

Useful online dictionary (I personally use this as I find it to be the best)