TTPP83: Improve Your Tax Advice Skills – Stories and Tips of 2 Tax Professionals

This episode is all about providing tax advice – specifically the stories and experiences of our two guests for this episode, both of whom attended my first Tax Advice Masterclass recently.

You’ll hear about their backgrounds, how they’re involved in tax advice, what they find difficult, what they’ve done to get better, and their advice for you.

Chrissie O’Farrell is an Accounts and Tax Manager at PBA Accountants, and Brandon Smith is an Assistant Tax Manager at Botham Accountants.

Chrissie started off purely working in accounts, completing her ACCA qualification, before moving into a joint accounts and tax role. Chrissie wants to get better at providing advice to better help her client, and she finds deciding on the ‘structure’ of advice challenging where the advice is longer than a short email. But she’s been working on this and is get better.

Brandon started working in tax compliance, completing the likes of tax returns and P11Ds. This is still a large part of his role, but he is getting more involved in advisory work.

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  • (6:15) How Chrissie started getting involved in tax advice and how she’s involved now
  • (8:15) What she finds most difficult about providing advice and changes from when she started providing tax advice to now
  • (13:45) What made Chrissie want to get better at providing advice
  • (18:15) What Chrissie has done to get better at providing advice
  • (27:00) Tips from Chrissie to help you get better at providing advice


  • (35:45) How he started getting involved in tax advice and how she’s involved now
  • (38:00) What he finds most difficult about providing advice
  • (40:30) Why Brandon wanted to get better
  • (42:00) What Brandon has done to get better at providing advice
  • (45:00) Tips from Brandon to help you get better at providing advice


Tax Advice Masterclass

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with James at The Tax Recruitment Company.

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P.S Corporation Tax roles are in large supply, and James is currently recruiting for many of these