TTPP31: Master These 3 Skills to be a Great Tax Advisor

As a fresh-faced graduate, I was convinced that the key to being a great tax advisor was knowing the answer to any tax question.

That was until about 18 months in when I was starting to become more aware that there is more to being a great tax advisor than just knowing the tax rules.

I remember a particular conversation with a partner where we talked about what they considered to be the 3 key ‘areas’ or ‘skills’ of being a tax advisor, which is the focus of this episode.

The conversation was a bit of a reality check for me. It hit home some things I was becoming more aware of anyway, and made me reassess a bit what I needed to focus on, to take my career where I wanted it to go.

I’ve come a long way since that conversation (3 promotions later!), and in the episode I wanted to share these skills with you along with my tips and experiences to help you become more focused and a better tax advisor.

Listen to find out more.

You’ll Learn

  • The three skills you should master to be a great tax advisor
  • How to improve in each of these areas

Episodes to Help You Improve Each of the 3 Skills

Technical Ability

