TTPP89: What are the Best Tax Resources for Research That Aren’t Free?

Back in episode 80[JB1] , I covered what the best FREE tax resources are for getting the answer to any tax question and identifying relevant tax considerations for any scenario.

This is the equivalent episode, but in this one I cover resources that you can’t get for free (although for some you can get a free trial).

Why would I tell you about ones you have to pay for, if there are free resources?

Well, that’s because the free resources won’t cut it by themselves.

I’ve had plenty of situations where I’ve found it difficult to find the information I need but it’s been easy once I’ve found the right resource. In these cases, it’s usually a paid-for resource that has been the key (you’ll hear about this in the episode).

You probably can just use free resources but there will be circumstances where you’re going to waste a lot of time unnecessarily and you’re going to increase the chance of being wrong.

Paid for resources give you an edge, generally, in my opinion, and help you do give a better service to your client.

Anyway, take a listen to hear about the best paid-for tax resources – at least in my own opinion and experience.

Listen by clicking the play button above or by heading on over to your podcast player of choice (maybe Spotify or Apple Podcasts) and searching for “The Tax Professionals Podcast”.

You’ll Learn

  • Croner-I Navigate Tax (digital resource), including details about the available resources and a bit about how I use it to do tax research
  • (12:15) Tolley Library and Guidance (digital resource), including details about the available resources and how you can use it
  • (17:30) Westlaw (for case law), including the feature that has saved me hours of time
  • (21:15) Tolley’s Tax books
  • (23:30) Claritax books
  • (25:00) Bloomsbury books, including a bit about how to find what you need from a book
  • (28:15) Summary


Tax Research Masterclass (link to business case in the full details)

Croner-I Navigate 7-Day Free Trial

Message me to get the 7-day free trial:

Link to Croner-I Navigate:

Link to gain free access to Croner-I Navigate Lite:

Other tax-research episodes:

Croner-I Navigate Tax (digital resource)
Tolley  (digital resource)
Tolley’s Tax books
Simon’s Taxes (Tolley’s)
Claritax books
Bloomsbury books
Spiramus Press books
Westlaw (for case law)

Master Using Tax Legislation

I know first-hand that using and interpreting legislation can be challenging – even more so where there are ambiguities. And I think this scares people from learning how to use it.

To me, that’s a huge shame and a mistake. And it’s why I cover tax legislation in detail in the Tax Research Masterclass.

I want you to able to find, use and interpret relevant tax legislation at work.

I want you to be confident in using legislation and get the huge benefits that using legislation brings.

Details for the masterclass can be found here. Within the details, you will find a business case, summarising the benefits to your employer and you,  to help convince your employer to cover the costs.

The next one is scheduled for February 2024.